Christmas Eve ChemLights
Orchestral Group
Quoting Psalm 100
5th Advent Reading
4th Advent Reading
Children's Message
Op. Heal Our Patriots
3rd Advent Reading
2nd Advent Reading
1st Advent Reading
Delivering OCC Boxes
OCC Donation
Veterans Day Service
Remembrance Candles
DAV Donation
Operation Christmas Child
Dedicating OCC Boxes
Happy Helpers
More Happy Helpers
Club Beyond Donation
Wreaths Across America
Chaplain Corps Appreciation
Recognizing PC President
OCF Donation
Special Music
PWOC Donation
American Bible Society
Clarity Donation
Fellowship Meal
Indoor & Outdoor Seating
Guideposts Donation
Navigators Donation
Service at Waybur Theater
Valor Donation
Changing the Stole
Farewell CH & Mrs. Walls
Sidewalk to Somewhere
Annex Sidewalk
Mother's Day Music
Drive-In Service
Mother's Day Flowers
Easter Sunrise Service
Scripture Reading
Drive-In Parking
Service of Darkness
Christian Seder on Zoom
National Prayer Breakfast
NPB Coordinator
NPB Special Music
Daily Bread Donation
Annex Decorators
Preparing Fellowship Meal
Serving Fellowship Meal
ROTC Retreat Donation
Gideon Donation
Put Away Nativity Stable